Thursday, March 26, 2009

Copyright.George Holmes


“Have you seen that new movie, Slumdog Millionaire?” said Harold.
“I have” said Berenice grimly.
“Oh,” said Harold, “you didn’t like it then?”
“ I did not” replied Berenice, smoothing down her Jaegar skirt rather vigorously. “The government of Bombay-now they call it Mumbai-. I mean have you ever heard of Mumbai gin? Anyway, the government of Bombay should be ashamed of those slums. Blinding children to make them beggars.” She looked disgusted.

Harold said, “ Oh I heard about that before. It’s been going on for centuries. You remember those cripples in Cairo, those mothers with naked babies in Hong Kong. If we hadn’t given them cash we’d have been in the harbor. Do you remember that Tai Pak restaurant when we shared a table with that Chinese family? Oh, that fish was superb and cost us nothing.”

“Don’t digress, Harold, you wander off. And the film ended with a song and dance as if all in the garden were lovely. Well, it wasn’t lovely in my estimation,” she huffed.
Harold replied, “On don’t worry about it. It’s only a movie. Anyway they don’t blind the children completely, just one eye. Otherwise how would they see to get to the begging place?”
Berenice looked at him coldly.”Sometimes Harold, you appall me. How cynical can you get? I don’t want talk about it anymore. Fix me a large Campari and soda.”

Harold complied smiling to himself. A round to me he thought.

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